Computational Neuroaesthetics: available the book in english edition

It has been published the new edition, in English, of the book “Computational Neuroaesthetics: innovation in digital marketing“.

This publication opens the door to the internationalization of Computational Neuroaesthetics in Europe and worldwide. The goal is to provide scientific knowledge applicable in specific areas such as marketing and user experience design.

The new book published by Mattia Martone, co-founder of PXR Italy and founder of this innovative discipline, is already available on Amazon and Google, both in paper and e-book format.

Computational Neuroaesthetics
Computational Neuroaesthetics

You can read some extracts on the research portals Research Gate and Academia, or also on Google Books.

Mattia Martone
Mattia Martone, PXR Italy co-founder and Computational Neuroaesthetics founder.

This is a new step for the divulgation of this discipline (also presented in Digital Neuromarketing Mastermind), which is a subject on which the research center PXR Italy is working with a dedicated team of researchers.

Neuroestetica Computazionale: disponibile il libro in edizione inglese

È stata pubblicata la nuova edizione, in lingua inglese, del libro “Neuroestetica Computazionale: la nuova frontiera del marketing digitale”.

Questa pubblicazione apre le porte all’internazionalizzazione della disciplina in Europa e nel Mondo. L’obiettivo è fornire conoscenze scientifiche applicabili in settori specifici come nel marketing e nell’user experience design.

Il nuovo libro pubblicato è già disponibile su Amazon, sia in formato cartaceo che in formato e-book: “Computational Neuroaesthetics: innovation in digital marketing”.

Il nuovo libro pubblicato da Mattia Martone, co-fondatore di PXR Italy e fondatore della Neuroestetica Computazionale, è già disponibile su Amazon, sia in formato cartaceo che in formato e-book: “Computational Neuroaesthetics: innovation in digital marketing”.

Computational Neuroaesthetics
Computational Neuroaesthetics

È possibile leggere alcuni estratti sui portali di ricerca Research Gate e Academia, oppure anche su Google Books.

Mattia Martone
Mattia Martone, co-fondatore di PXR Italy e fondatore della Neuroestetica Computazionale

Si tratta di un nuovo step per la divulgazione di questa disciplina (presentata anche all’interno di Digital Neuromarketing Mastermind), alla quale il centro di ricerca PXR Italy sta lavorando con un team di ricercatori dedicato.

Computational Neuroaesthetics founded by Mattia Martone

During the live on 10th November on Digital Neuromarketing Mastermind (DNM), Mattia Martone presented the discipline of Computational Neuroaesthetics.

DNM is the first Italian Community where scientific discoveries in neuromarketing and digital psychology fields are filtered by utility and spread to everyone with a comprehensible language. In particular, I will keep on spreading knowledge about Computational Neuroaesthetics (CN), with a weekly content having the aim to give advice and applicable tips.

Digital Neuromarketing Mastermind

I co-founded, with Leonardo Saulle, the Research Center PXR Italy and I founded Computational Neuroaesthetics (CN). CN is the new discipline which integrates neuromarketing, psychology and computational science to develop digital contents matched with users’ psychographic features, such as personality traits. For example, CN analyzes the impact of aesthetics parameters, such as colors hue or saturation and brightness levels, in relation to a defined target.

Neuroaesthetic knowledge can be applied to other fields, in addition to the marketing one, such as product design and user experience design.

An overview of this discipline and its origins is explained in my book. The title is Computational Neuroaesthetics: innovation in digital marketing.

Computational Neuroaesthetics

Computational Neuroaesthetics: innovation in Digital Marketing — Mattia Martone


Computational Neuroaesthetics is the discipline which connects neuromarketing, consumers psychology and computational sciences and it studies human neural processes linked to aesthetic experiences.

Visual stimuli seen by people, such as images, are processed with digital recording systems to obtain data about aesthetics futures related with users’ neuropsychological responses. Differently from Computational Aesthetics, which uses classic instruments such as self report scales, Computational Neuroaesthetics uses different instruments such as eye-tracker and EEG.

Why is Computational Neuroaesthetics useful?

Results form scientific studies can be applied in different sectors. The first one is marketing and communication: here it is possibile to understand which aesthetic features a digital content must have to be liked by consumers in a deep and implicit neural level. These liking responses are a factor which influences positively people attitudes towards brand and products. In other words, Computational Neuroaesthetics gives valid (and data-based) guidelines to create a personalized content/advertising for each potential consumer.

Another application area is represented by design and user experience design. Aesthetic of products and phygital interfaces is a primary component for user experience. Computational Neuroaesthetics offers useful knowledge to create a design with those aesthetics parameters which are capable of improve user experience (UX). Product and services with a good UX are perceived as better and easier to be used by consumers

Which are the origins of Computational Neuroaesthetics?

In the last decades, Aesthetic, in the psychological area, has been studied by different approaches, such as the gestalt and cognitive ones. In 2019 the expression Computational Neuroaesthetics was used for the first time by me: I have created the first scientific protocol with PXR Italy Institute Center to evaluate psychological responses of subjects in relation to different visual stimuli.

On Amazon it is possibile to download Mattia Martone’s book (only in Italian language) which introduces to theory and techniques of Computational Neuroaesthetics. The book presents a structure divided in two macro-sections. The first one describes the concept of the contents’ aesthetics in today’s digital world, characterized by phenomena such as personalization and big data, and portrays the origins of this new discipline. The second macro-section describes the psychological approaches to aesthetics.